Welcome to the City of Old Brownsboro Place

About Us

Old Brownsboro Place (OBP) is a Home Rule Kentucky city bordering on Brownsboro Road (KY 22). The community dates back to the early 1970’s and is home to 152 households. OBP is conveniently located near I-264, I-265 and I-71. OBP is a friendly place to live, filled with well-maintained homes and neighbors who like to stop and chat with one another on evening walks. We’re glad to have you here!

Neighbors, please add your Contact Information to our City Directory

Old Brownsboro Place maintains a directory of neighbors names, phone numbers, street and email addresses  to facilitate communications within the neighborhood and to share news of upcoming events. Directories are update periodically, so if you are new to the City or if your information has changed, please send us your updated information to our City email address:

[email protected]


Our Services

City Information

Government Contacts

Coming Events

Contact Us

Our Location -Click on Box in Left Corner of Map for Aerial View